Donating to PAL is safe, easy, and rewarding! Monetary donations can be made online (Click the donate button above), by mail, or in person; gifts in honor of a friend or loved one are also an option. You may also direct your gift to a particular program or passion.

We appreciate and recognize donors big and small. Recognition levels and benefits for our annual campaign are as follows:


Warm Up ($1-$25)

Receive weekly updates and newsletters

Recognition in annual report


Starting Line ($26-$50)

Receive weekly updates and newsletters

Recognition in annual report


Water Break ($51-$100)

Receive weekly updates and newsletters

Recognition in annual report


Mile Marker ($101-$250)

Receive weekly updates and newsletters

Recognition in annual report

2 tickets to VIP criterium tent


Home Stretch ($251-$500)

Receive weekly updates and newsletters

Recognition in annual report

4 tickets to VIP criterium tent


Sprint Zone ($501-$1,000)

Receive weekly updates and newsletters

Recognition in annual report

6 tickets to VIP criterium tent


Finish Line ($1,001-$2,500)

Receive weekly updates and newsletters

Recognition in annual report

8 tickets to VIP criterium tent


Winner's Circle ($2,501+)

Receive weekly updates and newsletters

Recognition in annual report

10 tickets to VIP criterium tent

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